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The Brief: Prepare an academic research report about a high technology topic

Research question: How can the fashion industry use smart clothing as a tool for the post COVID-19 future of social distance living?

Research Report: The report aimed to examine how technological advancements, in particular, smart clothing, can be used to aid the social dilemma of maintaining a safe physical distance with ease and without inconvenience. 

Furthermore, how smart clothing specifically developed for social distancing will endeavour to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the constant need to ensure a safe distance. In order to come to sound conclusions both primary (survey and interviews) and secondary research were undertaken and a concept proposed. It was hoped that the potential of smart clothing could play a critical role in response to the virus and future pandemics as a viable and accessible option chosen to safeguard people.


Sample pages of the research report are below. Get in touch if you'd like to see/know more.

Research Methods / High Technology / Report / Presentation / Layout / Indesign / Critical Thinking

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